

Over 2000 successfully delivered projects

FORS has many years of experience in the field of project development and implementation and over 2000 successfully delivered projects.
The Federal Education Agency of Russia
  • The innovative higher educational institution management system
    The innovative higher educational institution management system was developed for the Federal Education Agency of Russia. The system is capable to model various educational process schemes and learning delivery modes, including the distance one. The project was implemented in cooperation with the Academy of the National Economy of the Government of the Russian Federation and Infosuit company.
Architecture and Construction Agency of Moscow
  • Archive system for project documentation
    An archive system for project documentation (design, construction and budgeting) in the city of Moscow based on ELAD technology. The project was implemented jointly with “Systems and Projects Development Bureau” JSC.
  • Analytical Dispatcher Office
    "Analytical Dispatcher Office" is an information system designed to support timely collection and analysis of the enterprise performance indicators. It enables flexible adjustment of reporting indicators, collection, consolidation and storage of data from all company’s structural divisions. The system also supports generation of operational and analytical reports. More →
Local Governments in the Russian Federation
  • Property Rights Registry
    A customized system of Property Rights Registry maintains centralized databases on real estate titles and transactions at the local and municipal government level. It was installed in 2004 at more than a dozen local and municipal departments across the Russian Federation. In 2006, the system was updated and 4 more complementary regional Registers were designed.
  • Automated system of the corporate document workflow
    The project included implementation of an automated system of the corporate document workflow and optimization of the business processes. Electronic Cards Repository, embedded into the workflow system, is based on ELAD technology. The project was completed in 2005.
  • Technological integration of internal local systems
    It was provided technological integration (data exchange) between 4 internal local systems. The system is based on ASNU — FORS developed solution for an automated tax control. It was designed in compliance with the Tax Code regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 25. The system identifies transactions, incurring tax liability and computes correct tax payments for the required tax declarations of the customers. The system has been functioning at Vnesheconombank since January 2003 and remains under development.
Federal Customs Service of Russia
  • Information System for management of the Central Register of Foreign Economic Operators
    FORS has designed the information system to manage the Central Register of Foreign Economic Operators (CR SFO). The system is used for collecting and storing of the agreed data on the operators who had ever entered into legal relationship with the Customs authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as to provide them with the objective information on activities of the foreign economic operators. FORS has also designed the information system to manage the Central Register of Commodities. The system records reference (etalon) information on commodities crossing the state border and supplies data for Customs clearance and Customs control systems to verify information declared by the foreign economic operators in their Customs documentation. The system is also used to control the enforcement of the economic regulation measures and trade restrictions to a specific commodity as well as for other Customs purposes.
National Training Foundation
    • Automated system of electronic regulations
      A customized solution ELAD - ER (ELAD - Electronic Regulations) for automating the document workflow and establishing electronic regulations is based on the Oracle Workflow and ELAD technology. Since April 2004, the system has been in operation at the National Training Foundation. In 2006, a new Corporate Portal, based on Oracle AS Portal technologies, was integrated with the system.
  • Corporate portal based on Oracle AS Portal

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