Development of Information Systems

Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan Digitalization of the road infrastructure of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the AIS "Record" platform
Government of the Moscow region System of Control and Planning of Road Infrastructure Works
Russian Federal Agency for Fishery Industrial Monitoring Portal (OSM Portal)
Administration of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District (KMAD) Development, support and modernization of information system for execution of public functions and provision of public services
Arkhangelsk Region. IT Department Regional segment of electronic government of Arkhangelsk region
Rosfinmonitoring - Anti-laundering Department of the Ministry of Finance
  • Integration between external and internal local systems
    The custom-designed system provided the integration mechanism between external and internal local systems. FORS has been contracted by Rosfinmonitoring to implement various projects since 2003. Currently the agency successfully runs the information systems designed by FORS specialists: the data warehouse for external information resources and integrated "Filing Cabinet". In 2006 FORS implemented the Rosfinmonitoring Data Warehousing project.
MBASK — Azerbaijan Insurance company
  • Complex automatization based on INSIS — Fadata
    In 2009 FORS implemented the integrated solution based on INSIS — Fadata software for insurance. It was the first completed project on full automation of the business processes of the insurance company on the territory of Azerbaijan. INSIS has allowed MBASK to automate not only the business processes, but also business logic for all insurance products developed in the company, including individual, collective and life insurance contracts. Also automatic has become the transaction processing for premiums, commissions, benefits and reinsurance. It became possible to carry out operational analysis of the effectiveness of the company MBASK, its divisions and regional branches, to achieve lower production costs and increased profitability.
Federal Drug Control Service of Russia
  • "Search" Information Sub-system
    "Search" information sub-system is based on FORS developed SPRUT-PLUS toolkit and enables to create an integrated data warehouse on the basis of the heterogeneous information resources, providing the single access to the data in order to conduct "through" search, whereas the links between the objects and results are identified and represented in a user-friendly manner.
Government of Moscow
    • Unified Document Flow System
      As part of the governmental target program “Electronic Moscow” the project for creating a Unified Document Flow System for the Mayor’s Office and the Government of Moscow is currently underway. The system is based on ELAD technology which allows for storage and management of documents as well as supports creation of glossaries, reference materials and organizational structure.
    • Integrated System "One-step point for citizens"
      The idea of the integrated system "One-step point for citizens" constitutes the core element of the Moscow model of the administrative reform in Russia. Government services and any administrative activities of the authorities would be performed automatically. Applications of the citizens could be forwarded and tracked by themselves via specially designed portal The system provided "on-demand" interaction with 85 external systems in total. It is based on the advanced SOA technologies – Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle BPEL Process Manager.
    • City-wide System of Electronic Interaction
      Its architecture is based on Oracle Fusion Middleware technologies – Oracle AS Portal, Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Web Service Manager.
The Federal Education Agency of Russia
  • The innovative higher educational institution management system
    The innovative higher educational institution management system was developed for the Federal Education Agency of Russia. The system is capable to model various educational process schemes and learning delivery modes, including the distance one. The project was implemented in cooperation with the Academy of the National Economy of the Government of the Russian Federation and Infosuit company.
Local Governments in the Russian Federation
  • Property Rights Registry
    A customized system of Property Rights Registry maintains centralized databases on real estate titles and transactions at the local and municipal government level. It was installed in 2004 at more than a dozen local and municipal departments across the Russian Federation. In 2006, the system was updated and 4 more complementary regional Registers were designed.
  • Technological integration of internal local systems
    It was provided technological integration (data exchange) between 4 internal local systems. The system is based on ASNU — FORS developed solution for an automated tax control. It was designed in compliance with the Tax Code regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 25. The system identifies transactions, incurring tax liability and computes correct tax payments for the required tax declarations of the customers. The system has been functioning at Vnesheconombank since January 2003 and remains under development.
Federal Customs Service of Russia
  • Information System for management of the Central Register of Foreign Economic Operators
    FORS has designed the information system to manage the Central Register of Foreign Economic Operators (CR SFO). The system is used for collecting and storing of the agreed data on the operators who had ever entered into legal relationship with the Customs authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as to provide them with the objective information on activities of the foreign economic operators. FORS has also designed the information system to manage the Central Register of Commodities. The system records reference (etalon) information on commodities crossing the state border and supplies data for Customs clearance and Customs control systems to verify information declared by the foreign economic operators in their Customs documentation. The system is also used to control the enforcement of the economic regulation measures and trade restrictions to a specific commodity as well as for other Customs purposes.